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Highlighting BEST PRACTICE in Engaging Diverse Communities to consider contributing to Australia's Emergency Services
We promote career and volunteer opportunities in Australia's emergency responder sector for culturally and linguistically diverse communities through best practices and inclusive strategies.
This page will analyse, assess and highlight strategies undertaken by national and international organisations to engage CALD communities ensuring interactions are mutually beneficial and recommend best practice in this area of engagement. Obviously, this includes understanding the dynamics that influence decision making by CALD individuals to entertain involvement in the emergency responders' sector. This requires an understanding of the barriers faced by CALD communities which include: Cultural engagement and understanding: Diversity policies; Management maturity; Exclusion from political life due to language, lack of shared knowledge, lower rates of societal participation; Discomfort; Education and language; Interpretations of diversity and Labelling. The recruitment approaches, HR policies, application processes, CALD engagement strategies and any staff resistance of each emergency responder area will be assessed, and best practice identified. Results will be listed on this page. Your contribution in this endeavour is welcome on
In the meantime the below links provide some indicators of best practice in engaging CALD communities:
Communicating with multicultural communities | (
Policing Diverse People: How Occupational Attitudes and Background Characteristics Shape Police Recruits’ Perceptions - Toby Miles-Johnson, 2019 (
Strategies to improve diversity among police recruit candidates (
Strategic Diversity: How Police Departments Can Implement Recruiting Strategies to Become More Diverse and Inclusive - Digital PD (
Engaging Diverse Communities
Culturally Inclusive Strategies
Assessing strategies to engage culturally diverse communities effectively in emergency services.
Volunteer Opportunities
Discover how volunteer roles available in the emergency responder sector engage the CALD community
Career Pathways
Analysing career pathways in Australia's emergency responder sector for CALD individuals