Site Testing and Updates currently progressing

As per Rule 19 Caldern membership is open to persons volunteering or working in:
1. Policing and policing services (including administration, communications, intelligence, support services, community liaison, forensics, information technology)
2. Firefighting and related services including Metropolitan brigades, Fire rescue, Regional and Country brigades, Forest Fire Services, Aviation Fire Services
3. Protective Services in whatever function
4. Ambulance Networks and associated services
5. State and Territory Emergency Services
6. Surf Life Saving
7. Marine Rescue
8. Coast Guard
9.Emergency Communications operators and Triple Zero Call Takers
10.Hospital networks especially Emergency departments
11. Disaster Management and Emergency Planning
12.The above listed services that undertake administration communications, support services, logistics, community liaison, catering, transport and ancillary or complementary functions.
13. Any other service which may be involved in responding to emergency incidents including on site security, catering, communications, infrastructure recovery, traffic control, roadwork, and resilience reconstruction.
14. Any Ex or retired personnel from those areas listed above.